Options: 1. This service can be an add on with your henna session for extra $15 2. Book your goddess card reading online for30min for $20 3. Book your goddess card reading in person 30min $25 *** Choice of card deck varies based on your intention (Choices of - Goddess cards, Affirmation cards, Chakra cards, Yoga cards) The Goddess Tarot is a celebration of the Divine Feminine. Drawing inspiration from the many goddesses honored throughout history and around the globe The Goddesses have assembled all their energies to guide you to your deepest truth, empower you to choose freedom from your old conditioning, and bring you awareness to co-create a life beyond your wildest dreams! Options: 1. This service can be an add on with your henna session for extra $12 (15minutes) 2. Book your goddess card reading online for30min for $20 3. Book your goddess card reading in-person 30min $25
Goddess Card Reading Service (online/in person)